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Voices shaping our processing right now

We grabbed some friends and asked them which people and voices are they leaning into to help them process right now.

anno domini voices.png


ISSUE 1 |  8 JUNE 2020

As the world rages against police brutality and systematic racism, and stands in solidarity with black lives everywhere, what are some of the voices we should be looking to, whether for comfort, or critique? Which voices are shaping our analysis and giving us perspective on the anger, confusion and frustration we feel about the world around us, and where are those voices found?


We reached out some of our favs to tell us who they're listening to during this time. Be inspired.

Precious Bikitsha

For me, this is easy. Nontsizi Mgqwetho.

Asinakuthula umhlaba ubolile

We cannot keep quiet, the country is rotten

Thandi Gamedze

I would nominate Rene August. I also love Christina Cleveland, she's got some really cool insights.

When we say Lord speak by any means necessary, then we need to be willing to hear by any means necessary. From anyone. Even people who are different from us.

Rene August

Gustav Mbeha

Michael Jr. the comedian. Something that I watched from him as he shared his experience with the police was very provoking, hearing how God used that moment to bring healing.

I know if we really want to be healed - and there's a lot of us hurting right now - the thing to do is look for the person next to you who’s hurting right now, and ask what can I give, because the people around you need you right now.

Sphamandla Luthuli

Thabithi Anywabwile always challenges me to think in a gospel centered way about Justice. He has often helped me tons.​

The apostles did not preach so that there simply would be a new me, but so that there would be a new we

Carol Ng'ang'a

It’s all in snapshots. For me, I’m listening to the anger. Not one voice but the collective voice of anger that is everywhere. In the USA, South Africa and also here in Kenya.

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